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A Very New Product Post Template

A Very New Product Post Template

This is the short description for any product post. Write a short description for the product here in not less than 350 words. This will create a unique content for your product hence giving the extra boost from search engine results. Use Blogger "Remove Formatting" functions to remove copied & paste texts alignment, fonts, text color & styles.

Use table #1 (above) for product Main Image. Used for cart. Insert Image & removing using Blogger editor features. Select image "original size" for best display.

Use table #2 (current) for product descriptions & texts. To display currency symbol edit here for product posts.

Use table #3 (below) to add in product pricing details, select options, product status.[PRO]. For product status leave empty to not render. Keyword  "out" to display "Sold Out" status.

Use table #4 (further below) to add in supporting images. Please insure that the thumbnail images is set to small for best display.

Use "Jump Break" AFTER table #3 or BEFORE table #4 to prevent Auto Pagination by Blogger servers. By default the "Jump Break has been assigned.

Edit & remove sample texts if not in use.
Option size & colour only available on PRO versions. Get 1 now! Thanks.

$ 32.00

Add to Cart

Use table #1 (above) for product Main Image. Used for cart. Insert Image & removing using Blogger editor features. Select image "original size" for best display.

Use table #2 (current) for product descriptions & texts. To display currency symbol edit here for product posts.

A Very New Product Post TemplateNoooitA Very New Product Post Templatehttp://www.noooit.com/2016/07/a-very-new-product-post-template_50.htmlA Very New Product Post TemplateA Very New Product Post Template by NoooitProduct #: Noooit_87579970852859419685 stars out of 5 reviews.

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